Buy gift cards through Fundscrip to support FLL

FundScrip is a fundraising program that lets you pay for your everyday purchases with gift cards bought from Fundscrip. A percentage of the cards that you have purchased is then donated to FLL. Participating businesses include gas stations, grocery stores, restaurants, theatres, retailers, etc. (% donated to FLL and list of businesses can be found on the order form). You can use your gifts cards like cash at your favourite stores while contributing to FLL! You may give the gift cards as Christmas gifts to your loved ones too.


你只需透過《生命恩泉》購買Fundscrip禮物卡,涵蓋商戶包括油站丶超級市場丶食肆丶戲院丶零售等,禮物卡面額的一部份即會回贈予《生命恩泉》(回饋%及所有商戶均列表在表格內) 。既可買得心儀商戶產品或服務,亦惠澤《生命恩泉,一舉兩得。除自用外,亦可作為聖誕禮物送給親朋好友。


  1. Each purchaser must complete one form, with all the required information filled out.
  2. Payments can be made in cash or cheque only and must be submitted along with the order form to Margaret Woo at the FLL Office by October 31, 2019.

Please email if you have any questions.


  1. 訂購者必須一人填寫一張表格,並清楚填寫有關資料;
  2. 必須以現金或支票付款,請於2019年10月31日前連同填妥表格交回《生命恩泉》辦公室Margaret Woo。


Fundscrip Participating Retailers

With a growing list of over 170 National retailers, Fundscrip makes it easy to Order!

Fundscrip 參與零售商

全國超過170間零售商。 訂購 Fundscrip 禮物卡!